A return to Sant Antoni during the Covid hit summer of 2020 saw us return to one of our favourite restaurants in town.

On this balmy July evening, everyone was sitting in the garden area as we tucked into the following,
Croquetas de gambas (prawn croquettes)

Atún tartar (tuna tartar)


Berenjena tempura (aubergine tempura)

Costilla cerdo (de-boned pork ribs)

Paletilla de Cordero (10 hours, slow-cooked, shoulder of lamb)

Parrillada de pescados (grilled fish)

Espuma de greixonera (a foam version of the local bread pudding)

Bizcocho semiliquids

The wine was pleasant, Jose Pariente 2017 from Priorat.

We had the same lovel,y friendly waitress as before, although this time, you could not see her face, as she was wearing a covid mask, so service with a smile was complext on this occasion!

A return visit to this fabulous Restaurant in October 2019, founded in 1982 by the Bonet family to transfer the traditional Ibicencan kitchen to the modern Restaurant table.
Since 2005, when the younger José Miguel Bonettook took over, the traditional dishes have been given a slightly more inventive twist but still include many of the Island favourites. Various rice dishes include paella, fideuá, arroz a band, bullit de peix, and fish and seafood. The Restaurant was refurbished in early 2018.

On this occasion, we had gazpacho Andaluz while sitting in the lovely garden with its old grand fig tree.

Gazpacho Andaluz.
Calamares ibicencos salteados con sobrasada y miel (sautéed Ibizan squid with sobrasada and honey).

Fideuá de verduras (vegetable fideuá, using noodles instead of rice).

Paletilla de cordero al horno de leña con verdura salteadas y cebolla caramelizada (wood-fired lamb shoulder with sautéed vegetables and caramelised onions).

Even though, we were quite full, we still managed to share, an espuma de greixonera con crema de naranja, tofe de hierbas ibicencas, crumble de algarroba y pepitas de chocolate (greixonera foam with orange cream, hierbas ibicencas liqueur toffee, carob bean crumble and chocolate chips).

This was all washed down with a pleasant Rioja, Paco Garcia 2016.

We visited the Restaurant in August 2018. We thought we would spend time in Sant Antoni de Portmany (San Antonio), trying a few traditional Ibicencan Restaurants. These restaurants do not get much publicity when people talk about San Antoni, but they should. Here, you can see the chefs at work in the open kitchen.

If you wish, you can eat outside in the lovely garden

or inside, which is also excellent for large parties.

Gazpacho Andaluz. (cold vegetable and tomato-based soup)

Ensalada verde con mezclum de lechugas, tomates cherrys, zanahoria, cebolla, manzana, uva fresca, aceitunas, champiñón laminado y vinagreta mediterránea (vegetable salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, carrots, onions, apples, grapes, olives, sliced mushrooms and a Mediterranean vinaigrette).

Coca de algarroba con escalibada, aguacate, sardina ahumada, berenjena asada y emulsión de ajo negro (home made carob bean coca (Ibiza flatbread) with avocado, smoked sardine, roasted aubergine and black garlic emulsion).

Croquetas caseras de gamba ibicenca (homemade Ibiza prawn croquettes).

Later, a fideuá de pescado y marisco follows. A generous amount of Pescado (fish) and mariscos (shellfish)is piled on top.

Ensalada de quínoa con pollo crujiente, fruta fresca, vinagreta de mostaza, naranja y salsa de soja (quinoa salad with crispy chicken, fresh fruit, mustard vinaigrette, orange and soy sauce).

Costilla de cerdo negro con salsa hoisin de frambuesa, puré de patatas de cosecha propia y verduras de verano). (black pig rib with raspberry hoisin sauce, mashed home-grown potatoes and summer vegetables).

We had no time for dessert on this occasion, as our friends had to catch the ferry to Formentera from Ibiza Town.

On a visit in October 2017, before the Restaurant renovation took place, we had the following.
Cochinillo a Baja (boneless suckling pig, cooked at a low temperature, pineapple and roasted sweet potato cream)

Solomillo de Ternera (sirloin steak, foie gras, sautéed vegetables, fried fresh potatoes with mustard and honey sauce)

This was washed down with a bottle of Muga (D.O.Rioja) 2013

Followed by,
Espuma de greixonera (foam of greixonera, a typical cinnamon pudding)

The service was very friendly and knowledgeable, and it was good to see a few of the older local inhabitants of San Antonio drop in for a drink at the bar towards the evening's end.
We would certainly recommend it as a Restaurant in San Antonio.
Opening hours are from 7 pm to 12 midnight. Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, from 1 pm to 4 pm, are also suitable for lunch. Wednesday closed.

Restaurante Es Ventall Calle de Cervantes 22, 07820 Sant Antoni de Portmany +34 699 84 68 54 Twitter: @EsVentall www.restauranteesventall.com
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