We recently returned to Casa Salvador to find, it is as good as ever.
It is located in the La Albufera rice growing area of Valencia in the estuary of Cullera, which is a freshwater lagoon that flows into the sea. It is not easy to find.

Make your way over the bridge in Cullera along the back road (CV-605) > right at Via pista > left at Poligon num 28 Estany > right onto Avenida de Estany) If you feel lost don't turn back, it's worth it in the end!

There are two inside dinning rooms which seat around 200 people.

As the weather is normally very good you may prefer to sit outside on the terrace.

Which overlooks the Parque Natural de la Albufera and the lagoon as it flows into the Mediterranean.

With the abundant paddy fields and little boats it has a feel of being like Vietnam!

The best dishes are obviously the rice dishes which Valéncia is famous for.

we started with an excellent carpaccio de tomate valenciano con barriga de atún, piñones y albahaca (carpaccio of Valencian tomato with tuna belly, pine nuts and basil.

Vieira con cangrejo y cítricos (scallop with crab and citrus).

Anguilas fritas en aceite de oliva con ajo y chile (fried eels in olive oil with garlic and chilli).

And of course, paella Valenciana (which is normally chicken, rabbit, flat green beans, giant butter beans and sometimes snails, all things which you would normally find in the adjacent paddy fields)

We finished with the Flan de la Casa

Other available rice dishes are
Arroz a banda (rice with cuttlefish)

Paella de pato, anguilas y caracoles (paella with duck, eels and snails)
Paella Quinn (Bogavante, rape y ajos tiernos) (paella lobster, monkfish & tender garlic)
Paella de rodaballo y angulas (paella with turbot and elvers (baby eels)
Paella con pargo rojo y gambas (paella with red snapper and prawns)
Paella de verduras (paella with vegetables)
Arroz de pulpo y bacalao (rice stew with octopus and cod)
Fidueá (a noodle like paella)
Arroz negro (rice with squid ink)

There is also a selection of meat and fish dishes but it's the rice you should go for.

The wine list is extensive and can be expensive.

The restaurant is an entirely family run organisation set up over 60 years ago by Salvador and started out as a very basic snack bar to feed the local fishermen, it is now something of a stately home in a picturesque location.

It has never closed, is open every day of the year and is a great spot to watch the sunset..

There is a small beach just past the restaurant.

Even though it is a large restaurant it is best to book but don't arrive before 2pm for Lunch.

Avenida Estany de Cullera 1, 46400 Cullera, València
+34 961 72 01 36
Twitter : @rcasasalvador
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