One Michelin Star
The entrance to this excellent restaurant is on the very unassuming main street of the small town of Arriondas which is 12 km inland from the coastal town of Ribadesella. You walk in to find a contemporary, rustic style dining room and a glass-fronted conservatory situated at the back.
Chef José Campoviejo serves a innovative tasting menu inspired by traditional Asturian cuisine (like Cabrales cheese, anchovies and fabada (Asturian bean stew) as well as a concise á la carte.
A friendly priced tasting menu (€77) would be something like this:
Tortu con quacamole y cebolla marinada y croqueta de Iberico (tortu with guacamole and marinated onions and Iberico croquette)
Bombón de Cabrales y manzana asada con chocolate blanc (Cabrales cheese bonbon, baked apple with white chocolate).
Tembloroso de 'Rey Silo', frutos secos, toques picantes y anchoa (trembling Rey Silo cheese, dried fruits, spicy nuts and anchovies)
Escanda, tomate (Ecoastur), royal y albahaca (spelt wheat, egological tomato royal and basil)
Bocarte marinado, sopa de miso-nécoras, tartar de fresas (marinated anchovy, miso crab soup and strawberry tartar)
Fabada sabores de antaño, texturas de hoy (fabada with flavours of yesteryear but today's texture)
Merluza, matiz de sidra y pequeñas cebollitas (hake and small onions in cider)
Paloma asada (roast pigeon)
Cordero xaldu ecológico, tostado, jugo de cebolla roja enchilada (roasted organic xaldu lamb, enchilada with red onion sauce)
Leche fresca, helada y cremosa (creamy iced fresh milk)
Fresas crudas y cocinadas, helado de pimienta de Jamaica (raw & cooked strawberries Jamaican pepper ice cream)
There is an excellently priced wine list with many wines from Northern Spain
Tables are also laid out in the pretty little patio garden where you can have a coffee and a digestive. Service is friendly and informative. The restaurant is well worth its star.
Closed 1st - 7th January, 10 days in November, Sunday evening, Wednesday evening and Thursday except August.
EL CORRAL DEL INDIANU Avenida de Europa 14 E - 33540 Arriondas (12.5 km from Ribadesella) +34 98 584 10 72
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