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One Michelin Star


This restaurant, which has one Michelin star in the 2017 rating, is sat right at the end of this stunning little surfers beach in the seaside town of Salinas on the Asturian coast.

The restaurant has been in this town for three generations, since 1916. It was previously situated in the middle of town before moving to its panoramic location at the end of the the beach. The restaurant has around 120 covers spread over a couple of rooms, including one looking out towards the beach and ocean

Chef Isaac Loya dishes up Asturian classics as well as his original and invigorating twists on them. Working alongside Isaac is his mother, Eva del Río who was a pioneer in the restaurant 25 years ago. Her careful attention to detail helped to make this restaurant unique and what it is today.

We had the menu degustación at €80 pp, which goes something like this, starting with an aperitif.........

Anchoas Nardín en crujiente de dango verduras salivates (Nardín anchovies in crunchy dango vegetables)

Calamar a la parrilla sobre su propio jugo con esferas de pimiento (grilled squid its own juice with pepper spheres)

Cola de cigala, papada Ibérica, snacks de fabes y jugo de remolacha (crayfish tail, Iberian pork, beans and beet juice)

Montadito de setas, foie y yema de huevo (mushroom mount with foie gras and egg yolk)

Selección del major Pescado del dia - Merluza en salsa de champagne, huevo y aceite de oliva, una receta de tres generaciones (hake in a champagne, egg and olive oil sauce, a three generations old recipe)

Fabada Asturian ó Pichón a la parrilla con verduritas (fabada or grilled pigeon with vegetables)

Quesos Asturianos ó tarta de queso la peral con pera y helado de oporto (Asturian cheeses or la peral cheese cake with pear and port ice cream)

Crema de tocinillo de cielo con nata (heaven's little pig with cream)

There is also an a la carte menu to pick from.

There is an extensive wine list although we only had wine by the glass, but they were an extremely reasonable cava (€4) red wine (€3.50) and a white wine (€3).

Service is informative and friendly.

It is not a cheap restaurant but it is a luxury to be there and they have a great creative kitchen, good tableware and a phenomenal setting. You can watch the many surfers during the day and early evening.

In winter the waves can come crashing over the restaurant (which, thankfully is watertight!) although some customers have been known to retreat to the bar to take cover......……

RESTAURANTE REAL BALNEARIO DE SALINAS Avenida de Juan Sitges 3, 33405 Salinas (Castrillón) Asturias +34 985 51 86 13 @RealBalneario

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