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@Almeria2019) and various gastronomic events would be taking place in Almería over the course of the year.

We had the pleasure of being invited to these by Fernando Huidobro ( Twitter @FHuidobroRein) Presedente de Academia Andaluza de Gastronomía y Turismo (Twitter @andgastrotur)

Day three, our final day, has been allocated for the awards and cocktail party at La Alcazaba de Almeria.

In 955, Almería gained the title of medina (city) by the Caliph of Cordoba, Abd ar-Rahman III. Construction of the defensive citadel, located in the upper sector of the city, began in this period. La Alcazaba, was provided, not only with walls and towers but also with squares, houses and a mosque, it was also the seat of the local government, commanding the city and the sea nearby.

It was enlarged under Caliph Al-Mansur and Al-Jairan, first king of the independent taifa of Almería (1012–1028).

The Alcazaba of Almería is a fortified complex.

The word alcazaba, from the Arabic word al-qasbah, signifies a walled-fortification in a city.

The first line of the three walls is a wide enclosure corresponding to the first Muslim military camp, used as shelter for the population in case of siege.

The first enclosure is separated from the second one by the so-called Muro de la Vela (Wall of the Sail), taking its name from a bell that warned the population in case of events such as the arrival of a ship in the port, danger, fires etc.

This wall was built by King Charles III of Spain.

The second enclosure was the residence for the governors, their soldiers and their servants. It included also the mosque, baths, tents etc.

The third enclosure, the most external, is also the most modern in the complex. After the Christian conquest of Almería, the Catholic monarchs, Isabella I of Castilla and Ferdinand II of Aragon, had a castle built in the most elevated sector of the town, more apt to resist the new gunpowder artillery.

We left the hotel in the morning and after a short, informative walk with a guide around Almería we arrived at La Alcazaba. It was quite warm, but security was high, so it took a while to actually get in.

Once in, we were all seated in an outside arena and the presentations began.

The awards featured:

Photo @BlancaSC82

Cátedra de Gastronomía de Andalucía:

Entregó Victor Arcos (Dtor Makro Málaga) - Recogió Rafael Jordano (Dtor Cátedra de Gastronomía de Andalucía) y Julieta Mérida (Vicerrectora de Posgrado e Innovación Docente de la Universidad de Córdoba)

Premio Freixenet a toda una vida a Casa Joaquín:

Entregó Jorge de Gispert (Dtor. Nacional de Marketing HORECA de Grupo Freixenet) - Recogío Joaquín López y su hermana.

Paz Ivisón: Entregó Carmen Crespo (Consejera de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Desarrollo Sostenible de la Junta de Andalucía) - Recogío Paz Ivisón

Paco Morales: Entregó Fernando Huidobro (Presidente de la AAGT) - Recogío Paco Morales (Rst. Noor)

After the awards ceremony finished we moved to another outside area

which featured a water setting we then tried the various cóctels on offer.

Terraza Carmona Potaje de Vigilia con trigo, bacalao y verduras almerienses.

Casa Joaquín Pisto casero de Almería

Las Eras Ravigote de zaramandoña con arenque curado en salmuera y marinado en AOVE

Quinto Toro Remojon de San Anton

Tony García Marrana de pulpo con cama de brocoli

Escanez Concha de patata chip y mejillón en escabeche

Los Finos Pulpo frito de adra y base de migas

El Portón de la Bahía Cruasant de bogavante

Alejandro MiIgas de la abuela con papada ibérica baja temperatura y Gazpacho de tomate asado

La Barra de José Álvarez Gamba roja de Garrucha ligada con caldo de rábano y yema

Joseba Añorga Crema fría de tomate Raf con salmonete en escabeche

EH Almeraya Milhojas de la huerta de Almería con Ajoblanco

Casa Puga Gurullos artesanales con jibia y pulpo

Juan Moreno Sopa de tomate lobello con polvo de jamón

Catering Bonilla Gallo Pedro frito

Coruña Cociña Empanada de xoubas, Caldiño resaqueiro, Mejillón escabeche y Guiso untuoso

Wine, beer and cocktails were free-flowing as usual!

Parts of La Alcazaba are still being unearthed.

After the food and drink, we had a final stroll around La Alcazaba before making our way out.

We would like to thank Fernando Huidobro and everyone else involved in the Academia Andaluza de Gastronomía y Turismo for the kind invitation and wonderful hospitality over the three days.

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