This is an excellent bar on a quiet street in the San Lorenzo area of Sevilla. It has tall stalls at the bar or tables and chairs opposite. The open kitchen allows you to see the food being prepared. The tapas menu is short but well-executed. We have been here three times now.
Gilda acostada, anchoa, boquerón, piparra y aceituna kalamata (gilda lying down, salted anchovy, pickled anchovy, piparra and kalamata olives).

A must-try are, croquetas de pato.

Duck croquetas.

Croqueta de carabineros con salsa cangrejo picante (shrimp croquette with spicy crab sauce).

Croquetas de bacalao (salt cod croquettes).

Salmorejo con jamón y pan (a cold soup of tomato, bread, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, and ham).

Brioche de carrilleras de cerdo, salsa barbacoa Japonesa, mayonesa de kimchi y pepino encurtido.

Brioche of slow-cooked pork cheeks, Japanese BBQ sauce, kimchi mayo, and pickled cucumber.

Puerro confitado Con bechamel trufada y anchoas (confit leek, truffled bechamel sauce & anchovies).

A superb arroz meloso del día - cordero y gambas (soupy rice of the day - lamb and prawn)

Presa Ibérica con calabaza en escabeche.

Presa Ibérica with pickled squash.

Torrija con helados (french toast with ice-cream).

Tarta de queso azul y mermelada de frutos rojos (blue cheese cake and red fruit jam).

To drink, we had a few cañas and an excellent,

Luis Cañas Cair Selección La Aguilera 2019 D.O. Ribera del Duero

Some of the other dishes available were,
Papas bravas
Alcachofa frita con queso payoyo (fried artichoke with payoyo cheese).
Boquerones en adobo (deep-fried marinated anchovies) Burrata con melocotones caramelizados (burrata with caramelised peaches).

The service was excellent, and there was good advice on the food and quality sherry and wines.

MARABUNDA FOOD Jesús del Gran Poder 31, 41002 Sevilla +34 854 71 81 42
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