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Having driven past Casa Piedra (stone house) a few times, I went in to investigate and was surprised to find a true gem of a restaurant.

The outside does not reflect what delights the inside holds, with a covered garden terrace with views of lemon, orange and olive trees.

There are 3 tasting menus at €65, €90 and a vegetarian tasting menu at €65.

Also, the children's menu is €30 and there is a full a la carte menu.

The kitchen is a Japanese/ Peruvian/ Spanish fusion. You can eat sushi, ceviche and the best patatas bravas (the casa Piedra way).

After settling in, we chose from the a la carte plus two children's menus.

A free gazpacho appetiser.

Patatas bravas al estilo oriental asadas al Josper.

Oriental style Bravas potatoes roasted in Jospe.

Croquetas de pato pequinés a la naranja.

Orange Peking duck croquettes.

Arroz teriyaki con calamares, gambas, bacalao, verduras y siracha.

Teriyaki rice with squid, shrimp, cod, vegetables and siracha.

Cordero deshuesado, salsa okonomiyaki, ají amarillo, parmentier, yogur, pan poppadum.

Boneless lamb, okonomiyaki sauce, aji amarillo, parmentier, yogurt, poppadum bread.

Raviolis de rabo de toro, salsa Thai, setas shitake (ox tail ravioli, Thai sauce, shitake mushroom).

Ox tail ravioli, Thai sauce, shitake mushroom.

Causa de pollo con salsa tártara acevichada.

Chicken causa with acevichada tartar sauce.

Jamón croquetas from the Children's menu.

For dessert, we had, the tarta de zanahoria, glaseado de queso, helado de yogur (carrot cake, cheese frosting, yogurt ice cream).

We did not have wine on this occasion but an excellent wine list exists.

The service was friendly and informative with a great team of chefs who produced beautiful plates making this the true gem of Ibiza.


Ctra. Cala Llonga, 42, 07849 Cala Llonga, Ibiza

+34 971 196 558

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